Ronan Kadushin

Designer Ronen Kadushin

Born in Haifa/Israel in 1964 Ronen Kadushin moved to Berlin in 2005, where he lectures design at the University of Arts. 
In Berlin he also formed Open Design, the first company to introduce an innovative design concept, centered on creative freedom, as its focus.
The design plans of Open Design's products are freely downloadable from, and can be copied, changed and produced under a Creative Commons license. It encourages fellow designers to share their creativity and develop a design pool of quality products, much like with Open Source software.
Open Design objects highlight functionality with original aesthetics and humour. 
Computer controlled production technologies come together with a "hand made" touch in the designer's lighting and accessories collection.
The products from his Open Design range are typified by their use of single sheets of laser cut steel, which are then moulded by hand into unique and functional shapes. Essentially, the simpler the process and materials, the more scope there is for creative freedom.

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